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Polly Lieberman, 25.12.2021 13:24
Bed bugs are a menace that can ravage your home or place of business and make your day-to-day life uncomfortable. Bed bugs like to make their homes in mattresses, clothing, carpeting, pillows, chairs, electrical outlets, and behind picture frames. The good news is you can get rid of bed bugs and keep them away by taking a few simple steps. In New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware, the key is to be proactive—don’t wait for the problem to get out of hand before taking action and seeking the help and recommendations of pest control experts. To protect your home or business from bed bugs, you need to learn about the behavior of this pest, take steps for prevention, and find a professional pest control expert should an infestation occur.
synthchalk, 25.12.2021 13:25
During these unprecedented times, Viking Pest is committed to keeping homes and businesses throughout NJ, PA, DE, and the Eastern Shore of Maryland healthy, safe, and pest-free. Viking Pest is open and providing contactless, exterior pest control services to keep invaders out of your home or business.

Bed bugs are small insects, about 1/4 inches in diameter with brown bodies and darker heads. These pests feed on the blood of humans and animals. Often, people have bed bugs and don’t even know it. Since these insects are so small, it’s common for people to blame the itching, allergies, sleeping problems, and other effects on something else. However, if you know how to identify—and prevent—them, you can reduce the chance of bed bugs entering your home.
MYERS, 25.12.2021 13:25
(synthchalk @ 25.12.2021 14:25)
Ссылка на исходное сообщение  During these unprecedented times, Viking Pest is committed to keeping homes and businesses throughout NJ, PA, DE, and the Eastern Shore of Maryland healthy, safe, and pest-free. Viking Pest is open and providing contactless, exterior pest control services to keep invaders out of your home or business.

Bed bugs are small insects, about 1/4 inches in diameter with brown bodies and darker heads. These pests feed on the blood of humans and animals. Often, people have bed bugs and don’t even know it. Since these insects are so small, it’s common for people to blame the itching, allergies, sleeping problems, and other effects on something else. However, if you know how to identify—and prevent—them, you can reduce the chance of bed bugs entering your home.

Even though bed bugs are tiny, the easiest way to detect them is to know what they look like. Bed bugs have the following characteristics:

Small, about 1/4-inch in both directions
Brown, either dark or light, and they can turn red after biting someone
Small heads with much larger bodies
Eggs that are about 1 millimeter long and pale white
Ridged shells like that of tiny brown beetles
Bed bugs leave blood marks on sheets or cushions
Bed bug bites are grouped in clusters, a line or a zigzag pattern—mosquito bites are different because they usually aren’t grouped together
Shed skins
Bed bugs leave fecal spots on mattresses, sheets, or walls
johnpketchum, 25.12.2021 13:26
Pest control experts understand bed bugs as opportunistic travelers. These insects love to take any chance they can to catch a ride into your home or business. The easiest way to protect your workplace or home is to prevent them from catching a ride on your clothing or in your luggage. In addition to coming back with you as you return from a trip, there are other ways bed bugs can try to move into your business or home. Here are some exterminator tips that can help you prevent bed bugs:

When you stay at a hotel, check the luggage rack to see if any bed bugs have made it a temporary home. If the rack has hollow legs, you can take a look inside. You should also check where the supporting straps meet the frame.
Check all the furniture you buy for bed bug signs, especially used items. To properly check, look in the crevices between cushions and along any fluting. Also, check the joints, such as where the back or the legs meet the seat.
thomasmmcharles, 25.12.2021 13:27
(johnpketchum @ 25.12.2021 14:26)
Ссылка на исходное сообщение  Pest control experts understand bed bugs as opportunistic travelers. These insects love to take any chance they can to catch a ride into your home or business. The easiest way to protect your workplace or home is to prevent them from catching a ride on your clothing or in your luggage. In addition to coming back with you as you return from a trip, there are other ways bed bugs can try to move into your business or home. Here are some exterminator tips that can help you prevent bed bugs:

When you stay at a hotel, check the luggage rack to see if any bed bugs have made it a temporary home. If the rack has hollow legs, you can take a look inside. You should also check where the supporting straps meet the frame.
Check all the furniture you buy for bed bug signs, especially used items. To properly check, look in the crevices between cushions and along any fluting. Also, check the joints, such as where the back or the legs meet the seat.

Some people are allergic to bed bug bites. If this is the case, you may experience hives. These are red bumps that form on your skin when histamines release in the body. They’re usually itchy and can spread to other parts of your body. Regardless of whether or not you’re allergic to bed bugs, you’ll likely have a reaction if they bite you. Pest control experts explain some ways the bites can affect your skin:

Small, raised bumps that are clear in the middle
Bumps can also be itchy and have darker centers surrounded by lighter swollen areas
Small, red welts or bumps in a zigzag pattern or a relatively straight line
Papular eruptions on the skin that are either painful or inflamed
Polly Lieberman, 25.12.2021 13:27
Also, scratching bites can result in skin problems, including, red skin, scarring, and infection. Often, you can differentiate mosquito bites from those of bed bug bites by examining the bumps and marks left behind. Pest control experts explain if they appear in clusters or in a line, they are most likely bed bug bites. Mosquitos tend to bite once and then fly off. Although bed bugs can also bite just once, they often have to dislodge and crawl to another spot in order to get their fill. This results in groups of bumps or marks.
synthchalk, 25.12.2021 13:27
Usually, the return of bed bugs after treatment means they were brought in from somewhere else. A thorough treatment can eliminate bed bugs from your home or business, but it has no effect on the places you visit. If they’ve crawled back in, it’s likely because they hitched a ride on your clothes or in your luggage. It’s also very important that you don’t remove items from the home or office space before or during a bed bug treatment, because this could lead to reinfestation if those items were unknowingly infested with bed bugs.
citrinehome, 03.01.2022 23:09
If you’ve noticed signs of bed bugs in your home, it’s time to consider contacting a bed bug exterminator. Prices may vary from business to business, though. While do-it-yourself methods may seem to be cheaper, they may not always work and may end up costing more in the long run. That said, it’s important to recognize the benefits of professional pest management. When vetting exterminators, consider their treatment options and make sure they're flexible enough to align with your needs. Here are some elements that can determine how much a bed bug treatment may cost.
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